God loves you!
He knew you from the womb and has a plan for you,
to give you a future and a hope.
He says if you draw near to Him,
He’ll draw near to you.
He has an abundant store house full of blessings for you
if only you would choose first to seek His kingdom and His righteousness with all of your heart.
Then, His blessings will follow.
This involves turning from your life of sin (which brings death) and following God’s path for your life which is
revealed to us by His word in the Bible.
God paid the fine for your sins through the blood of His only son Jesus.
By believing in Him and confessing your sins to Him,
you will be made righteous, being set free from the bondage of sin
and able to do great and mighty works through Him and for His kingdom.
Since Jesus died for all, then all died;
and Jesus died for you and me, that we should live no longer for ourselves,
but for Him who died for us and rose again.
God says if you choose to put His desires above your own,
if you lose your life for His sake,
you will find it.
You’ll be a part of God’s family and He’ll lead you beside the still waters,
He’ll give you rest and let you lie down in green pastures,
and He’ll restore your soul.
He'll be your good shepherd and do what good shepherds do,
take care of all your needs.
to give you a future and a hope.
He says if you draw near to Him,
He’ll draw near to you.
He has an abundant store house full of blessings for you
if only you would choose first to seek His kingdom and His righteousness with all of your heart.
Then, His blessings will follow.
This involves turning from your life of sin (which brings death) and following God’s path for your life which is
revealed to us by His word in the Bible.
God paid the fine for your sins through the blood of His only son Jesus.
By believing in Him and confessing your sins to Him,
you will be made righteous, being set free from the bondage of sin
and able to do great and mighty works through Him and for His kingdom.
Since Jesus died for all, then all died;
and Jesus died for you and me, that we should live no longer for ourselves,
but for Him who died for us and rose again.
God says if you choose to put His desires above your own,
if you lose your life for His sake,
you will find it.
You’ll be a part of God’s family and He’ll lead you beside the still waters,
He’ll give you rest and let you lie down in green pastures,
and He’ll restore your soul.
He'll be your good shepherd and do what good shepherds do,
take care of all your needs.